Saturday, December 7, 2019

Arizona Thanksgiving Trip - November / December 2019

This year for Thanksgiving we went to Tucson, AZ to visit my wife's family that lives out there. We decided to take the long, slow, relaxing route and went by Amtrak in a sleeper car.
Lots of desert scenery, gardens, and animals.
We flew home on December 7th.

This post is a list of links to the photos themselves.

Below are links to the images broken up by date:

November 23, 2019:
Amtrak 49-449 Lake Shore Limited – Viewliner Sleeper Car Bedroom B
Rensselaer, NY – Rensselaer Rail Station

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Phoenix, AZ – Desert Botanical Gardens

We visited an old coworker of mine in Phoenix, AZ. We visited the Desert Botanical Gardens. Lots of flowers and plants to photograph.
I have pictures of signs for some of the flowers and plants.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tucson Estates, AZ - Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

We paid a visit to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson Estates, AZ. It is part zoo, part garden, and part museum. The road to it was very winding with a lot of rolling up and down. It was a very pleasant drive.
The first photos I tried to take were of humming birds.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Pima County, AZ – Pima Air & Space Museum (Part II)

After our tour of the 309th AMARG finished we returned to the Pima Air & Space Museum. We wandered around until closing.
F-4C Phantom II

Davis–Monthan Air Force Base, AZ - 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group – “Boneyard”

Continuing at the Davis–Monthan Air Force Base and the 309th AMARG we turned into the Boneyard. Here the planes are never expected to fly again. But, as planes are damaged and/or retired their parts may still be useful to other planes that are still in service.
This means that a lot of the planes here are missing parts and are sealed up in interesting ways.

Davis–Monthan Air Force Base, AZ - 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group

As part of our trip to the Pima Air & Space Museum we payed extra for a tour of the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (309th AMARG) at the Davis–Monthan Air Force Base.
B-1B Lancer

Pima County, AZ – Pima Air & Space Museum

We visited the Pima Air & Space Museum. They are a very large privately funded air and space museum with an extensive and interesting collection.
A7-D Corsair II