The first photos I tried to take were of humming birds.
Unfortunately it was rather cloudy and there was less light. This means I had to be at a lower shutter speed. And humming birds are quite fast and flitty. I was unable to get a photo of one in flight this day, unfortunately.
They are still quite pretty, even if they are hard to photograph in flight.
I did capture some photos of it cleaning itself though.
After the humming birds we went to visit the butterfly garden. Unfortunately, as a sign informed us, butterflies do not like cloudy weather and tend to retreat and hide rather than hanging out on the flowers. Fortunately, there were some nice bees who chose to be photogenic.
We also met a nice rabbit.
This bird was kind enough to pose as well.
The wolves did not want to look at the camera for very long. They also looked pretty bored.
The mountain lion on the other hand was kinder regarding looking at the camera.
Owl in the corner. Getting a decent photo was difficult.
Javelinas (Peccary) were napping in the sun.
I think this one was a bobcat.
And I believe this one was some sort of desert fox. It was very cutely curled up napping.
And I think this last one was an ocelot. I wish I had taken better notes. It was also napping but eventually opened its eyes.
There was also a desert big horn ram. Not shown are the females who did not seem terribly interested in being friends with the male.
And there was a beaver who came out for some swimming photos.
Lastly we visited the non-humming bird aviary. I am not sure what all the species were, but it was the last thing we did before leaving the museum.
This bird was great. Both its beak and position were fantastic.
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