Monday, May 27, 2019

Manjack Cay - North

We spent the night off Manjack Cay. In the morning we took the dingy and kayaks to the beach to see the sting rays and some sharks. We all did some snorkeling.
The water generally had very pretty colors.

That is our dingy, I will talk more about this later, it was not as reliable as we would have liked.
Also the kayak was rather brightly colored.

The pictures of the stingrays did not come out as well as I would have liked. While I was using a polarizing filter that water still distorts the images.

They stingrays would swim under us and over our feet. They did not have seem very shy.

This one was very gray.

Shark... not the best photo of a shark.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of the rays especially. Thanks for sharing.
