Friday, May 31, 2019

Elbow Cay - Abaco Inn

Our final dinner in the Bahamas was at the Abaco Inn. One side faces White Sound in Elbow Cay and the other side faces the Atlantic Ocean.
While getting ready to go to dinner our dingy motor gave out for the second time. Luckily there were a set of home or residences being  built with their own docks. The Abaco Inn told us that we could dock there.

We took a few photos by the boat.

Set camera in full auto and had Robin take some photos of Holly and I with the boat.

Looking at the Atlantic Ocean side of the Abaco Inn there is a pool down by the beach and then the beach and ocean itself.

And now for a series of sunset photos over White Sound from out table during dinner.

It gets progressively darker...

And then I tried to photograph the stars again. Not very successful.

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