Sunday, October 7, 2018

Montréal - Jardin Botanique

We went to the Jardin Botanique to see a light show. First I took a few pictures of the 1976 Montréal Olympic Games stadium tower.

The garden with lights has scheduled times so we walked around the Insectarium some first. The ants were rather photogenic.

We then went into the gardens which included The Chinese Garden, The Japanese Garden, The First Nations Garden, and The Alpine Garden. Lots of animals and dragons with light inside. A lot of the following photos were shot twice, once at 100 ISO with with light meter balanced and a lot under exposed.

Bonsai and penjing at night.

Random water falls.

One of my favorite things was this disco ball in the trees. The way it cast light was fantastic. It was both simple and beautiful.

There was a lit tree with sound effects and a story playing. That was not good for photos, too dark. The tent near it worked fine.

On the walk into the garden there are a set of fountains which looked really nice at night.

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